This is Week 3 of March Toward Simplicity. By now, the challenges you made time to complete should have lifted a weight off your shoulders. You are starting to see how organization makes a difference in your day – your day runs a little smoother, you are less anxious and you feel less guilty about me time.
If you miss a day, just start back the next day with the new challenge.
Remember, it only takes 30 minutes each day. At the end of March, your life will be changed for the better. Set you timer & Go!
Today’s Challenge:
- Clear our your briefcase or purse. Colossians 3:2
Find each daily challenge on the Styled & Organized Living Facebook page or @StyledOrganized on Twitter . Let us know your thoughts & if the challenge was easy or hard. These Daily Tips will show you how to gain more control over your life through organization because Life is Better Stylishly Organized!