Leticia Pfeiffer

August 21, 2019

5 Essential Back To School Preps

  Adopt these simple strategies to kick-off the new school year with minimal stress—and less stuff.     The start of the school year is imminent. […]
August 14, 2019

5 Ways to Get Out the Door…On Time

Nothing is harder than getting up every day to the same frantic routine after a bad night’s sleep or not enough sleep at all.  Stress awaits your […]
August 7, 2019

3 Steps for Easy Peasy School Lunch

School’s back in session…or just about.  Do you dread the morning craziness?  Is everyone running around and into each other, trying to get out the door […]
July 31, 2019

5 Must Have Travel Accessories

  Travel is necessary therapy in everyone’s life.  It restores, resets and helps you rediscover you.  To make sure it has its full effect, be sure […]
July 24, 2019

Easiest Way to Pack for Vacation

  Recently, I flew to NYC to help my niece set up her first adult apartment.  Even though I was beyond excited to be asked & […]
July 17, 2019

The Poised Traveler’s Pre-Travel & Travel Checklists

There are thousands of travel checklists available online and on cute note pads in little boutiques that remind you of the obvious items to pack.  SO…. […]
July 10, 2019

Caution: Read Before Beach Packing

There’s nothing better than squishing your toes in cool sand while ocean waves trickle across your feet melting stress away.  Don’t ruin those blissful moments & […]