Stylishly Organized

June 15, 2018

You Like Me! You Really, Really Like Me!

Have you ever looked up from your busy life of cleaning, shopping, running errands, running those errands again, volunteering, working, planning, creating only to wonder if anyone even had an inkling of all the hard work you were producing? I do sometimes.
May 11, 2018

In Honor of My Military Spouse Mom

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."--A. A. Milne This pretty much sums up my mother’s perspective on life. I jokingly refer to her as the Virgin Mary who married James Dean; DorisDay to Elvis Presley; Pollyanna to Fonzie. The woman in my life who really dosen’t focus on the bad in a situation, rather the possibilities.
May 7, 2018

Here Comes Summer: It’s Never Too Late to Do Some Spring Organizing

Summer is coming quick! Here it is already May 7th, Mother’s Day is this weekend and there is still some spring organizing to be done. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a magical list of reminders to help you refresh your home and calendar before the summer break starts? Guess what? The list below will help you achieve it!
April 30, 2018

What Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] We want to help you and your family show Mom how much you adore her by suggesting some really incredible ways to celebrate her on […]
December 5, 2017

A few of our favorite holiday hacks…

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Everyone loves a great life hack, especially around the chaotic holidays!  Here are some that we love.   1.  Easily transform a chandelier in your […]
November 10, 2017

Cooking for Thanksgiving? Get the Project Foodie App

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It’s that time of year to plan out that scrumptious turkey dinner that everyone looks forward to.  Once you have come up with your desired menu, there are […]