Post-It Notes Ensure Entertaining Sanity
December 14, 2015
Wanda, the Stylishly Organized Helper
December 28, 2015With only 4 more days until Christmas, the anticipation of visiting with family & friends, eating your favorite holiday dish & seeing that one special gift opened hopefully have you humming your favorite Christmas tune. However, if the traffic, congestion, massive To Do List, wrapping & cooking have you beat, just remember it will all be over soon.
My wish for you this week is to see your family & friends with all their faults & like them anyway, relish the chaos of too many people at one table, speak about those missing from your table with misty eyes & love, enjoy giving your gifts more than receiving, & to take a deep breath while counting your blessings.
Merry Christmas!
For those of you wondering who is in the picture, that is my big sister, Sarah, & my grandfather who will turn 95 on December 27th.