GO Month 2015
January 12, 2015
P. Phil Helps You Prepare for Life
February 2, 2015NAPO DFW 2015 Get Organized Month was a magnificent success! It certainly wasn’t hard to put on these huge smiles half-way through the day when this picture was taken by Joanna, the amazing IKEA Frisco Event Guru. Notice the beautiful sign on the right IKEA had made for our GO Month event. They had several of these in key locations as well as announcements before each speaker.
IKEA Friso provided us their best meeting room with “The Wall of Windows” flooding us with natural light (so great to have the sun back), fresh coffee, bottled water, cookies & chocolate all day. We arrived to a room set, our IKEA product props organized by speaker topic & IKEA blue bags (you know you love those bags) stuffed with IKEA product give-aways. Yippee! These might be better than the Oscar goodie bags for the stars! We even had IKEA employee, Leah, who helped us with our inaugural GO Month event last year spend the afternoon with us. She stated simply that she had learned such great tips last year that she implemented, she just had to come back for more.
Not only did we have IKEA shoppers spend time with us listening to our tips & tricks for organizing specific areas of the home, but we also had friends, family & clients take time out of their busy day to drive sometimes quite a distance to hear us. Thank you Elizabeth. I loved seeing you! Just even those clients who tried to squeeze it in between dog adoptions, soccer, cheer, birthday parties & more was greatly appreciated. It can be the thought that counts too.
Although my duties as NAPO DFW President kept me from hearing each NAPO DFW member speak, the ones I did hear gave me new organizing ideas & are too clever not to share.
Mount metal magazine holder to the wall horizontally = instant shelves
Mount same magazine holder horizontally under a desktop = cord container
Mount rack with hooks next to nursery changing table to hang baby’s outfits for the day = easy retrieval while changing diapers
Mount wall magazine rack next to the entry door you use & give each family member a labeled slot = in/out “box” for everyone
Associate doing laundry with something i.e. meal time or day(s) of the week = helps you remember your new routine & get your laundry done
Making breakfast = start load of laundry
Making afternoon snacks = move laundry to dryer
Making dinner = fold laundry/put away
Use expandable pot/pan lid organizer to store small handbags/clutches upright after stuffing insides to keep their shape = creates a shopping experience in your own closet. I actually came up with this one!
So many great ideas, so little time. And NAPO DFW will do it again next year; same GO Month date, same GO Month location. Only 364 days left till GO Month 2016!!
Until then, I’m here to help you by disclosing my knowledge of how to organize & be prepared for any situation. I will show you tips & tricks through posts on the Styled & Organized Living Facebook page, @StyledOrganized on Twitter & the Styled & Organized Living Pinterest page. Some posts will be simple tools while others will be ideas to consider. But all will show you how to gain a little more control over your life through organization because Life is Better Organized!