Start World Peace – Don’t Organize
September 4, 2019
Fabulous Kitchen Remodel Walkthrough
September 19, 2019Are you drifting thru life waiting for the next crisis to tackle? Does your work schedule control you? Does the day control you? Do you wish you were ahead of the daily game? Do you long to control the day & make it yours? I have the secret for you!
It’s really simple. It’s one word. When I tell you, you’ll smack your forehead while saying, “of course!” I’ve written about & promoted it a lot over the last 10 years. You have to promise to be open-minded. You have to be committed to trying it for 2 weeks. And you have to be nice to this little word that gets a bad wrap. Here, I’ll whisper it so it doesn’t offend you too badly.
Think about it. When you get up in the morning—without even thinking—you do 3-4 things immediately. You take care of necessity & get going….and you didn’t even have to THINK. (Iknow this is a fact because we are all still asleep the first 10 minutes after waking up.)
Routines allow you to use your brain energy on more important matters like your impending job promotion, your upcoming, amazing vacation or what you’ll wear to that Halloween costume party. It alleviates Brain Fatigue. Yes, it’s a thing. If you don’t agree, I challenge you — this is the same as a Double Dog Dare — to add a small (conscious) morning routine & try it for 2 weeks. Make it something that will help get you out the door by a specific time. Watch Rachel’s video here for ideas to make your routine a conscious part of a better start to your morning.