Every now & then, you need to escape your comfort zone to see how other people are living life. It can be eye-opening, enlightening & inspiring or even reaffirming. Traveling without cataloguing these priceless tidbits is like eating chicken fried steak without the gravy. Good but dry leaving you wanting that little bit more to make it amazing.
So you know where this is going…I recently traveled and observed, heard & even took confession of people living life. I don’t want to be labeled greedy not sharing the insight divulged to me. But don’t worry, all the names have been changed including the confessor’s.
CONFESSION: Mitch confessed, “I’m a true bachelor & used to live with clean laundry on my floor never putting anything away. Since I travel all the time, I would just leave it out until it was time to pack again. Mail stood in piles all over my kitchen. Now, I take care of laundry & mail every Monday. It feels great to come home to where all my things are put away.”
ENLIGHTENING: Weddings everywhere have a routine for the occasion & traditions for each region. They let us know how much longer until the reception or more importantly, how much longer until cake.
INSPIRING: The woman who invented the concept of a Second Breakfast or Brunch started the traditional accidentally out of need she saw of working men needing a mid-morning break after starting their day at 3AM. Any practice created out of necessity can become your most relaxing & meaningful part of your schedule.
EYE-OPENING: People crave routine. It gives you security of knowing how long something will last, what will come next, when & where it will happen & a purpose for all involved. Those routines which are necessary acts of life, can sometimes become our most beloved times in our day, week, month or year.
The next time you resist creating a set time & method for a task, remember doing so frees up your mind to enjoy the things your really want to do & the space of time to do it.
I’m here to help you by disclosing my knowledge of how to organize & be prepared for any situation. I will show you tips & tricks through posts on the Styled & Organized Living Facebook page, @StyledOrganized on Twitter & the Styled & Organized Living Pinterest page. Some posts will be simple tools while others will be ideas to consider. But all will show you how to gain a little more control over your life through organization because Life is Better Organized!