Top 10 Reasons to ❤️ Being Organized
February 11, 2019
We Love Oscar’s Fashions
February 25, 2019SO we ❤️ post-its, notepads,
Sharpies — all colors, sizes
The fat ones – the skinny ones,
Each one energizes us
Then there are baskets and bins
Drawer organizers for sure
We ❤️ all shapes and sizes
But nothing that’s too obscure
We ❤️ our label maker
But hand printing we ❤️, too
We search for only the best
So it’s all perfect for you!
Routines keep us on schedule
Let us work without stressing
To get out the door on time
Routines keep heads from spinning
Mostly we ❤️ our clients
Coached in the ‘art of order’
We ❤️ you who follow us
What an incredible honor!