Most people have some form of a To Do List they work off of to compete tasks. In today’s world of technology, there are several new options that make to do lists fun. So if you’re tired of leaving your list at home, done searching at the bottom of your handbag or feed-up finding your list after you’ve checked out here are some new options.
1.Grocery List App Family members can create and add to the grocery list. Then anyone in the family can do the shopping without missing an item. FREE
2.Any.DO App Seamlessly syncs with all your devices and you can share your to do lists like a grocery list with a spouse or an event with your friends. Instead of typing, you can say what you want to do and have Any.DO convert it to text for you. FREE
3.Family Organizer: Shared To-Do+Calendar+Grocery Lists This all-in-one organizer app includes unlimited grocery lists and a calendar with month, day and week view that a family can share to stay on track. FREE
4.Use Your Hand App Make To Do Lists fun by using your finger to “write” directly onto your iPhone/iPad instead of typing. Then title each list by grocery, work, garden, etc to group like tasks together & your To Dos more efficient. FREE
5.Bug Me App Have a problem remembering to do your To Do List? Try the Bug Me App. You can set an alarm to the items you pin on your virtual cork board. And you can “stick” your note on your launcher screen for that extra visual reminder. FREE
We all have things to do & we all have a mobile phone attached to our body. Why not integrate your list on your phone & only worry about keeping track of your phone not your To Do List? Did I miss your favorite To Do List App? Tell me what it is on the Styled & Organized Living Facebook Page.