Merry Christmas!
December 21, 2015
Creative Stuffed Animal Storage Ideas
January 4, 2016Christmas day as I was exchanging Merry Christmas texts with everyone, my sister texted me a picture of her newest Christmas present. Wanda, the Rumba vacuum cleaner, is the newest member of her family.
Wanda waisted little time getting to work in her new home. If you look closely at the picture, you’ll see it is an action shot. She doesn’t like to sit still for long. Her mission is to keep your home or office free of dirt while freeing your time as well.
My sister, Sarah, marveled at how much dirt Wanda managed to collect. Having just vacuumed her floors Christmas Eve with her much loved Dyson—which I’ll point out never received a name—Sarah expected Wanda’s task to be very light. More like a dress rehearsal than an actual full-on production. Wanda, however was determined to show off her skills . . . once fully charged of course.
Off she went silently working while maintaining her stylish, sleek looks. The girls, my sister & 3 nieces, quickly took advantage of the new found free time Wandagave them. My brother-in-law on the other hand was in love. He couldn’t take his eyes off Wanda & her systematic moves. He watched her vacuum every inch of his office, the dining room & entry for starters. Wanda’s stylishly good looks & organized method of vacuuming intrigued him for hours.
This is no small feet. Not to be taken lightly. Certainly nothing to jest about. To allow Wanda to do her work, a space must be well organized & tidy. Whether your decor is the latest or a little late in date, nothing is more stylish than clean. And, who would discount free time she’ll give you . . . that is once you stop watching Wanda work. A tool like Wanda is stylish & organized indeed.
Wanda nows holds a place of honor in their home.
More tips & ideas to come through this week’s posts on the Styled & Organized Living Facebook page, @StyledOrganized on Twitter & the Styled & Organized Living Pinterest page. These Daily Tips will show you how to gain more control over your life through organization because Life is Better Stylishly Organized!